
Alaaqat allows you to programmatically handle your account elements using the application programming interface (API). You can use API to integrate Alaaqat with your own application or with other applications you use in your organization.


Alaaqat expects Content-Type: application/json in each request header.


A bearer token MUST be included in each request to authenticate the request.

Base URL

The base URL for Alaaqat API is https://app.alaaqat.com/api

Rate limit

Rate limiting helps protect Alaaqat and make sure it works smoothly for everyone. It works by putting a cap on the amount of requests that a user can make in a certain timeframe. Rate limit is 60 requests per minute for each user, whether using one API key or more.

If you exceed rate limit you will receive a 429 response from the server.

{info} Alaaqat can handle high-volumes of traffic, The limits are high enough to handle all type of operations, along with other spikes in traffic, Contact Sales team if you think you may exceed the limits.